Monday, May 28, 2007

Free Law of Attraction Book

Here is a great book about the law of attraction. It's currently being sold on for $9.44, but 
it's yours free at this site. 

It's a great little find for all the Law of Attraction, the secret followers
and you can't go wrong since it's free!

Product Review: 5/5
Check it out here.


PJaesMom said...

This is a scam. There is no free book, only an offer to download an audio book for $9... AFTER he collects your e-mail address. If you are an honorable person, you will remove this link from your blog.
Damascus, MD

tcmstudent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcmstudent said...

Dear Cecellia,

I can appreciate how disappointed you must have felt about not being able to download the ebook.

May I suggest that you try the signup/download process again as I just managed to successfully download the 80 page ebook, which is about 1.02 MB in size.

Marketer's sometimes offer folks 2 or 3 value-added (but paid) products such as the audio book, prior to giving access to the free one.

I think perhaps this was what you experienced the last time that you tried.

Hope you're able to benefit from the ebook.

Peace & Happiness to you
P.S. You may also find this resource useful in helping you achieve your goals and desires: